In accordance with the UK Data Protection legislation and EU General Data Protection Regulation, permission must be granted by the parent/guardians or participant (if over 18) before any images may be taken and used, and for how the personal data can be used.
Quakers in Britain uses photography and video to attract new members, encourage people to take part in our activities and contribute to our funds.
Please indicate whether you give your consent for videos, images and audio of you/your child/ward to be used for these purposes in all of the following: print, website, e-books, other electronic formats and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
We do not identify people by name or meeting without specific, prior permission. We will not identify children and young people under the age of 18 by name, local meeting or where they live.
Some images or recordings may be kept permanently once they are published and archived by the organisation.
We may use images on collaborative work with other organisations e.g. Woodbrooke.
These will be the copyright of Britain Yearly Meeting (the legal name for Quakers in Britain), and any other intellectual property which arises in the recordings will also belong to Britain Yearly Meeting.
I can ask Quakers in Britain to stop using my images at any time, in which case they will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation (contact BYM Data Safety Group to discuss at
I can complain about the use of my image/audio by contacting Quakers in Britain Data Safety Group at